Our PIPAC research
Research activities of the Odense PIPAC Center
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT02320448
A single-center clinical trial on the implementation, feasibility and response evaluation of Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC).
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT03287375
A single-center prospectively controlled phase-II, one-arm, open-labeled clinical trial investigating the treatment effect of Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC).
Trial amendment:
Amendment to the PIPAC-OPC2 study investigating the feasibility and tumor response to electrostatic Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (ePIPAC).
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT03280511
A single-center prospectively controlled non-randomized, non-blinded phase-II cohort study investigating the use of adjuvant Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) in high-risk colon cancer patients.
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT04047004
A prospectively controlled bi-institutional trial investigating the feasibility of adjuvant Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) in combination with laparoscopic gastrectomy in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma at high-risk of recurrence.
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT06421610
A single center clinical trial on the implementation and feasibility of Pressurized IntraThoracic Aerosol Chemotherapy (PITAC) in patients with malign pleural effusion.
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT06295094
An international multicenter randomized controlled trial investigating the efficacy of PIPAC and minimal invasive radical resection in high-risk gastric cancer patients.
ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT06144853
A pilot study on the feasibility of repeated FDG-PET/CT-scans as a method of patient selection and response evaluation in patients treated with Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC).
A single center clinical trial on the implementation and feasibility of Paclitaxel in PIPAC directed therapy.
The ISSPP-PIPAC Database
Designing an international multicenter PIPAC database under the auspices of The International Society for the Study of Pleura and Peritoneum (ISSPP).
A register study based on the Danish ISSPP-PIPAC cohort with data enrichment from several unique Danish Health and Demographic Registers.